Have you ever wonder who Winterreise's wanderer is? Where does he come from? You may be thinking that it doesn't matter at all, and you are correct; they are just musings. But, still, have you ever wonder who this stranger really is? The first two songs, Gute Nacht and Die Wetterfahne, tell us the few concrete things we know about him. In spring, he came to a house in an [...]
After Ein Jüngling liebt ein Mädchen, Dichterliebe's song no. 11, in which the poet tells us, even with humour, what exactly happened with his beloved, Am leuchtenden Sommermorgen [One bright summer morning] arrives, and the tone of the cycle changes again.
The difference between lotus and water lilies is not obvious. The general rule states that the leaves of water lilies may be partially submerged by the weight of the water that soaks them, while the water slips on the leaves of the lotus, and this allows them to stay above the surface of the water. It seems easy, but there are many different types, shapes, sizes, and circumstances that could make us wrong.
Last week, I was going down Rambla Catalunya (in Barcelona) to get to a meeting when a scent stopped me. Was it the limes? Have they already begun to bloom? When I raised my head, I saw that indeed, the weak and mistreated trees were beginning to bloom. As usual, I thanked them that, despite we don't take care of them, they continue to grow and give us their [...]
For several months, the theme of Liederabend's cover has been the twilight. I'm aware that I should have changed it already, but I didn't find time to stop and think about what could be next, after I had dedicated it to roses, insomnia, nightingales, travels or serenades, for example. Some topics are difficult to put on the cover because at least seven songs need to talk about [...]