The Schubertíada Vilabertran begins the day after tomorrow. This is the second post about its song recitals; last week we reviewed the first three of them, the last of which was that of Matthias Goerne and Alexander Schmalcz, on 21 August. This week we will go over four more.
Wednesday 22 August. Bernarda Fink & Roger Vignoles
The mezzosoprano, who sang several times at the Schubertíada in Barcelona, makes her debut in Vilabertran. She will sing Haydn, Schubert, Wolf, Dvořák, Rodrigo and Ginastera. We heard so far only three songs from her program:
Thursday 23 August. Lise Davidsen & James Baillieu
Did you listen to Lise Davidsen a few months ago at L'Auditori, singing the Wesendonck-Lieder with the OBC? She will sing them again in Vilabertran, this time in the original version with piano. In addition to Wagner, we will have songs by Grieg, Brahms, Strauss and Sibelius. Among them, these:
Friday 24 August. Natalia Labourdette & Javier García Verdugo
We'll have at evening chamber music by Mendelssohn and Schubert, but before, at 7 pm, there will be a song recital, accompanied with guitar. If you like varied programmes (periods, languages and continents) you can't miss it. Here are three songs as a sample:
Saturday 25 August. Mojca Erdmann & Gerold Huber
Our last recital today; again, plenty of composers: Schubert, Mozart, Strauss, Schumann, Reimann, Rihm and Mendelssohn. The songs in the programme we heard so far are:
- Das Veilchen
- Heidenröslein
- Auf Morgen ist Sankt Valentinstag
- Die Nacht
- Allerseelen
- Am Tage aller Seelen
Dvořák publisher, Fritz Simrock, asked him to harmonize some folk songs; as time passed and the composer didn't find what he needed, he finally chose four folk songs, as Simrock had commissioned him, but he rewrote the tunes, keeping some elements from the original music. These four songs are V Narodnim Tonu, op. 73 (In folk tone) and Bernarda Fink and Roger Vignoles will perform them in Vilabertran. Today we're listening to Ach, není tu (Oh there is nothing left), the third song of the cycle; I can not tell you how the original music was, but Dvořák rewrote a lovely song. I'm afraid I can't offer you an English translation; the poem is a girl's lament on her lost love and on her wedding with an old man that she doesn't love. Listen to it, performed by Fink and Vignoles.
Ach, není, není tu,
co by mě těšilo,
ach, není tu, není,
co mě těší.
Co mě těšívalo,
vodou uplynulo,
ach, není tu, není,
co mě těší!
Dávají mně vdovce,
ten má jen půl srdce,
ach, není tu, není,
co mě těší.
Ach, není, není tu,
co by mě těšilo,
ach, není, není tu,
co mě těší!
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