Cançó de la setmana: Møte (E. Grieg) - A. S. von Otter, B. Forsberg
Haugtussa is a less-known song cycle written by Edvard Grieg. This week we are talking about one of its songs, Møte, performed by Anne Sofie von Otter and Bengt Forsberg.
Song of the week: Come away, come away death (E. Korngold) - C. Immler, H. Deutsch
Christmas Time is ending... Let's celebrate Twelfth Night with Korngold and his Come away, come away, death, performed by Christian Immler and Helmut Deutsch. Have a nice year!
Song of the week: Geistlisches Wiegenlied (J. Brahms) - C. Ludwig, G. Downes, G. Parsons
I'm not sure if someone is reading this English blog every week. I'm not sure either if someone is using the translator on the right column. But if there is some quiet, discreet reader I wish you merry Christmas, in the voice of Christa Ludwig singing Geistliches Wiegenlied by Johannes Brahms.