Arco iris - Eduardo Sanz
Arco iris - E. Sanz
Last week of July! Is anyone out there? Or are you all on holiday? This year, although I'll be working during August, I'm writing shorter posts with thematic compilations of previous posts. Last year, I suggested three summer scenes (lying down, water and night) and this year, the compilations will be about the song recitals at the Schubertiade Vilabertran (20 -29 August). I’ll go over those songs in each program that we've already heard on the blog and adding a new one. On 5th August, my post will be about the recitals by Measha Brueggergosman and Justus Zeyen and Luca Pisaroni and Wolfram Rieger; the 12th on those of Matthias Goerne and Alexander Schmalcz and Sarah Connolly and Malcolm Martineau; on 19th August, it will be for Oddur Jonsson and Julia Pujol and Dorothea Röschmann and Malcolm Martineau. The last one, 26th August on Elena Copons, the Cor de Cambra de la Diputació de Girona and Francisco Poyato. Hopefully, on 2nd September I'll be on holidays (just a week) but still, we'll start the 2015-16 season.

This website has been on line for a year now and this week, I would like to talk about some questions that you asked and I answered in private; I think there are worth sharing. Shall we start?
  • Home / Blog. The "Home" page didn't exist on my previous Blogger blog and I'm afraid, that still raises some doubts. I'll try to clarify them. The "Blog" tab basically shares the Blogger’s content (ie weekly posts and the list of posted songs) and a page containing all the song series. At "Home", most recent information can be found, ie news (a course, a talk,...), my latest blog posts and my latest articles on Núvol or Codalario, the two medias to which I contribute. “Home” usually includes my last month updates; once they’re not on "Inici" anymore, the articles can be found on Blog or Contributions.
  • Subscriptions. In the right column, you hold two options to subscribe to this web's updates, the classical RSS feed and email. If you subscribe by mail don't worry, you will only receive one email every week, compiling all my latest publications. Some of you asked about subscription through Feedly. I also use this application and when I want to add a website, I put its name or some keywords on the "add content" box, that's all. That's why I didn't put any specific button for Feedly but if you think it's necessary, please, let me know!
  • Printing post. Another usual comment: "I wish it were easier to print a document, I’d rather read it on paper." But believe me, it couldn't be easier! When we're reading a post we can see on the top right, an icon of a printer; Click it and a window with the post in the print format (ie without header or sidebar) will be opened; click the printer button and then print the post like any other document in your computer. By the way, if you think that a friend would like the post, click the next envelope button to send it!
  • Comments. Some days ago, I had to put a captcha to the comments. I always thought that having to prove I'm a person and not a robot is quite annoying and, in fact, I only asked you for a name in order to address you in some way. But this website has been attacked by robots that left hundreds of comments; after trying several options less "aggressive", I was forced to activate the captcha. I'm sorry, I hope that robots will forget me sooner or later...
And that's all regarding my website, unless you want to suggest or comment on something. Now, I should tell you why I chose such a nice title for a such a prosaic post; Fairy paths is the translation of Camins de fada, the song we're listening this week. It was composed by Eduard Toldrà from a poem by Tomàs Garcés; I don't know if it's a summer song but the sea is in it and I really like it, I wanted to share it with you. We're listening to Camins de fada performed by tenor Louis Vilamajó and pianist Francisco Poyato Francisco, I hope you like it.

Enjoy your holiday!
Camins de fada

Amor, faré una passera
damunt de la mar.
La pedra llisca lleugera
damunt de la mar.
Mon braç l’ha tornat alada.
Vola, que l’ombra morada
no sigui xarxa parada
damunt de la mar.

Si la gavina s’acosta,
fes via, brunzent.
Pedra, si és roja la posta,
fes via, brunzent.

No et torbi l’escull, esquiva
l’abraçada fugitiva
del dofí. Sageta viva,
fes via, brunzent.

El mar té camins de fada,
blanc i rosa, Amor.
Els feia la pedra alada,
blanc i rosa, Amor.
Ves-hi peu nu, rosa vera.
Oreig damunt la passera,
amb la teva mà lleugera,
cull l’estel, Amor.

Love, I will build a passageway
over the sea.
The stone slides swiftly
over the sea.
My arm has given it wings.
Fly, so that the purple shadow
does not become a net set down
over the sea.

If the seagull comes near,
rush away, buzzing.
Stone, if the sunset is red,
rush away, buzzing.

See that the reef does not delay you
shun the dolphin's fleeting
embrace. Lively arrow,
rush away, buzzing.

The sea has fairy paths,
white and pink, Love
The winged stone has made them,
white and pink, Love.
Walk there barefoot, true rose.
Breeze blowing over the passageway,
with your nimble hand
catch the star, Love

Translation by Salvador Pila


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