Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov Flying Carpet
Catifa voladora - V. M. Vasnetsov
This blog has been hosted on the Blogger platform since that first post in February 2012. This week I'm posting here for the very last time; as the title says, we're moving. You'll see that, once we get over this fuss of moving, the new site is more friendly. With this post, I'm trying to make the moving easier for you; please keep reading up until the end, even though the text might be too much technical!

One of the new website improvements is the audio. The player we’ve been using up till now does not work properly on all devices; the new player, though, is universal in principle. I beta-tested the player with some friends (thanks friends!); it works correctly on computers using OS X, Linux and Windows, and tablets and smartphones using iOS, Windows Phone and Android. Unfortunately, we also verified that, in some particular cases, the player didn't work; it could be due to the browser or the operating system not being updated. If you have any problems listening to the songs and can't be fixed, please leave your comment on this post or send me an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., we’ll do our best to sort it out.

This article is posted simultaneously on Blogger and on the new website,; you are very welcomed to go, visit it, and check that everything is working correctly. You'll see that the blog structure has been kept and all the content imported, comments included (except for their date, I’m afraid). The design has been reviewed and improved. Also, there are some innovations, but I let you make your own findings. I really hope you like the new web!

Next week, I will only post on the new webpage; this leads us to another important thing, the RSS reader. Those of you who are e-mail subscribers do not have to change anything, you will get the post on your Inbox (please let me know if not). However, those who use a content aggregator (Feedly, Bloglovin', Flipboard, etc)  should resubscribe to get the new blog URL if you want to keep getting the updates (I hope so).

I think that's all for now. I'm always very grateful for your comments, but these days of changes and tests, even more!

We say goodbye to Blogger gratefully, listening to a Lied by Schubert and the poet Ludwig Rellstab, Abschied (Farewell), the no. 7 from Schwanengesang; the performers are Matthias Goerne and Christoph Eschenbach.


Ade! du muntre, du fröhliche Stadt, ade!
Schon scharret mein Rößlein mit lustigen Fuß;
Jetzt nimm noch den letzten, den scheidenden Gruß.
Du hast mich wohl niemals noch traurig gesehn,
So kann es auch jetzt nicht beim Abschied geschehn.

Ade, ihr Bäume, ihr Gärten so grün, ade!
Nun reit ich am silbernen Strome entlang.
Weit schallend ertönet mein Abschiedsgesang;
Nie habt ihr ein trauriges Lied gehört,
So wird euch auch keines beim Scheiden beschert!

Ade, ihr freundlichen Mägdlein dort, ade!
Was schaut ihr aus blumenumduftetem Haus
Mit schelmischen, lockenden Blicken heraus?
Wie sonst, so grüß ich und schaue mich um,
Doch nimmer wend ich mein Rößlein um.

Ade, liebe Sonne, so gehst du zur Ruh, ade!
Nun schimmert der blinkenden Sterne Gold.
Wie bin ich euch Sternlein am Himmel so hold;
Durchziehn wir die Welt auch weit und breit,
Ihr gebt überall uns das treue Geleit.

Ade! du schimmerndes Fensterlein hell, ade!
Du glänzest so traulich mit dämmerndem Schein
Und ladest so freundlich ins Hüttchen uns ein.
Vorüber, ach, ritt ich so manches Mal,
Und wär es denn heute zum letzten Mal?

Ade, ihr Sterne, verhüllet euch grau! Ade!
Des Fensterlein trübes, verschimmerndes Licht
Ersetzt ihr unzähligen Sterne mir nicht,
Darf ich hier nicht weilen, muß hier vorbei,
Was hilft es, folgt ihr mir noch so treu!

(If you need an English translation please follow this link)

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