My dearest, my holidays are finally here. Now that almost everyone has returned, I've left. However, I will not forget about my readers, and that is why I am sending you this digital and musical postcard from where I am. I hope the technology doesn't fail us and that it will get to you on Wednesday.
The music is provided by Franz Liszt, and poetry by Francesco Petrarch. Some time ago, we listened to the first version the composer wrote of Sonnet No. 47, Benedetto sia'l giorno, one of his Tre sonetti di Petrarca. As I explained in this article, Liszt rewrote the three songs nearly forty years later. and today, inspired by the surrounding landscape, I propose the second version of Benedetto sia'l giorno in a first-class version, that of Andrè Schuen and Daniel Heide.
In the next week, you will receive another postcard from a nearby location. Meanwhile, greetings from…
Benedetto sia ‘l giorno, e ‘l mese, e l’anno,
E la stagione, e ’l tempo, e l’ora, e ‘l punto,
E ‘l bel paese e ‘l loco, ov’io fui giunto
Da due begli occhi che legato m’hanno;
E benedetto il primo dolce affanno
Ch’i ebbi ad esser con Amor congiunto,
E l’arco e le saette ond’i’ fui punto,
E le piaghe, ch’infino al cor mi vanno.
Benedetti le voci tante,ch’io
Chiamando il nome di Laura ho sparte,
E i sospiri e le lagrime e ‘l desio.
E benedette sian tutte le carte
Ov’’io fama le acquisto,e il pensier mio,
Ch’è sol di lei, si ch’altra non v’ha parte.
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